CBZ targets new lines of credit


CBZ Holdings says it will continue to monitor developments around global interest rates with a view to tap into favourably priced lines of credit for the benefit of its various customers.
“…it is expected that the government will continue with the arrears clearance and reengagement program as this is critical in unlocking broad based economic growth the half year ended June 30, 2023,” CBZ chairman Marc Holtzmann said in the diversified financial institution’s half year results for the period ended June 30, 2023.
“On the global level, the decision by some Central Banks to halt interest rate hikes provides some prospects for the gradual reduction in the cost of global capital.”
….offers funding to local govts
CBZ Bank executive director- wholesale banking, Phibeon Mutibura says it is eager to explore potential partnerships, and develop tailored financial solutions that meet the unique needs of local authorities.
“Let us engage in in-depth discussions to understand the unique needs and challenges faced by each local authority. By developing tailored financial solutions and innovative approaches, we can address these challenges and foster sustainable development,” Mutibura said in Harare this week as he stressed that CBZ would like to enter into public private partnerships with the local authorities to jumpstart infrastructure development in their locales.


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